Understanding the Importance of Real Estate Appraisals

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  • Post last modified:January 7, 2024
  • Reading time:4 mins read


When it comes to the world of real estate transactions, an appraisal is a critical element. Revolving around a professional opinion on the value of a property, it’s perhaps the most essential detail when buying or selling residential properties. Without it, it’d be almost impossible to price accurately, and streamline transactions. Recent statistics suggest there were 359,000 real estate, insurance, and other classification appraisers in the US in 2018. The number gives a vivid picture of how critical property valuation—central to real estate appraisals—is to the industry.

The Role of the Real Estate Appraiser

Possessing a solid grasp of the appraisal’s importance is essential, whether you’re a realtor or a mortgage broker. As a professional advisor, a real estate appraiser provides an objective analysis of a property’s value. They must follow strict regulatory standards and ethics. They’ll ensure that both the buyer and seller are on firm grounds concerning a property’s price tag and help mortgage brokers offer appropriate loan amounts anchored accurately on real asset value.

However, remember, even if the final say in real estate value principally comes from the appraiser, the overarching goal is to establish a fair, equitable marketplace for everyone involved in the transaction.

Real Estate Appraisal Versus Home Inspection

For many beginners in the industry, it’s easy to mix-up home inspections with real estate appraisal processes. An appraiser’s role is to evaluate and provide a monetary value for a property. Unlike a home inspector, who seeks potential issues in a building’s fundamental structure, systems, and components, an appraiser’s focus is reporting a defensible, plausible value opinion with any glaring issues that could impact the property’s ‘habitability.’ Never confuse the two as they hold distinct and specific purposes in the realm of property transactions.

Factors in a Real Estate Appraisal

A real estate appraisal ultimately centers on capturing the property value. You might well wonder what all goes into that magic number? Numerous factors come into play during a real estate appraisal. These range from external circumstances such as the real estate market trend to considerations more internal to the property like its overall state and add-ons or modifications.


Location is a huge factor in any appraisal process. The vicinity to essential amenities, the reputation of the neighbourhood, local crime rates, access to good schools – all these can significantly influence a property’s value. Sitting plonk in the middle of a business hub zone, for example, can see property values surge, whereas proximities to imperfections—think waste drop-off centres—can depress values.

Age, Size and State of the Property

Being newer tends to bump property values—for good reason, newer properties can imply lesser problem-riddled transactions. Properties also get scrutinised for size, measured by gross living area and the continuous count of bed and bath numbers. Naturally, larger properties harvest higher price codes.

The current condition, layout, number of rooms, recent improvements or the lack thereof also swing property values. This circumstance is why houses fall under different comparisons despite being right next door.

The Market Trend

The broader real estate market movement is critical when tinkering with estimated property values, hence using lots of recent transaction data continues to be key. Appraisers adopt diverse business models in assembly for consistency, such as the sales comparison approach, which involves comparing the property with similar recently sold properties in the vicinity—to derive an accurate valuation.


The real estate appraisal process is undeniably a critical measure of developing a fair, equitable real estate transaction. As a professional realtor or mortgage broker, knowing and comprehending the intricate nuances of real estate appraisals proves invaluable. They aid in providing you the right assessment of your client’s properties, leading them to a successful, satisfying transaction. Keep abreast of precise education and skill levels around appraising and achieving associated licensing—it all won’t just signify your gaming-up in professional expertise but help earn customer trust and level-up marketplace credibility. Navigating valuations and appraisals efficiently ultimately separates winning player from the pack—given informed customers always remain one step ahead—are you?